[image align=”right” img=”http://poeticfeast.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/rewind.gif” alt=”Rewind” /]
In solitude, with nothing much to do
We tend to rewind with numbing nostalgia
‘Past’ is always present in our minds
Kindling and kidding in intervals
Childhood was carefree and careless
No troubles to torment or worries to wreck
Knowing and learning new and novel things
Sprightliest days nothing so lively hitherto
Youth splashed with a bang, sweet and sunny
With dazzling thoughts and dauntless mind
Dreamt a lot and achievements were not less
Days of love and romance still trigger a tickle
In the speedy flash of years we get wrinkled
Heart and body burdened and limps wriggled
But blessed few remain young in thoughts
Nothing matters as spring reigns in their heart
Every day is a new chapter, read it aloud
Every day is an adventure, venture it ahead
Secret of success lies inside you, probe it up
Sun never grows old nor stars, so is your soul
Could hear the cock welcoming the new day
I closed the book of past, but not to forget
Memories are always sweet and soothing
But sweeter and sweetest are the days to come!!!