
Category: Romantic

17 Nov 2012

The glowing eyes

Those glowing eyes still stare at me Hunting and haunting wherever I go On a cursed day they become frozen Forcefully closed by my shaky fingers Years yawned away after her demise Still they linger just like my shadow

22 Oct 2012

To be in love

[image align=”right” img=”http://poeticfeast.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/LOVE.jpg” alt=”Right aligned image” /] An universal feeling yet to be defined An unique binding force with no bounds At once it blooms giving you no alerts! At least a pinch of it found in

5 Aug 2009

My first Love

[image align=”right” img =”http://poeticfeast.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/first-love.jpg”  alt=”first love” /] The blowing wind made it pleasant outside The smell of rain- hit sand screwing my nostrils Though felt like snuggle under the cozy blanket The mellow

10 Jan 2009

You are my ‘wonder’

[image align=”right” img =”http://poeticfeast.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/wonder.jpg”  alt=”wonder” /] Wondering I sat, why my thoughts are wandering to YOU Whoever you are to me, but you make my senses swing Oh! I wish I could be everything you want me to be

10 Jan 2009

Mind errs while conscience irks!

[image align=”right” img =”http://poeticfeast.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/GUILT.jpg”  alt=”GUILT” /]  No one was around, as all slaved by sleep But she was sleepless, steeped in her thoughts   No movements outside, not even a murmuring insect But for her sig

10 Jan 2009

The dreaming damsel

[image align=”right” img =”http://poeticfeast.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/dreaming.jpg”  alt=”dreaming” /] Slowly slowly sleep slaved my senses As I stretched to sigh away the strenuous day Slowly the breeze swept away my sweat As the sky was all set to stage

10 Jan 2009

Safe and sheltered

[image align=”right” img =”http://poeticfeast.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/SAFE1.gif” alt=”SAFE” /]  Heard the wind blowing fierce outside Inhaled to feel whether it carried his smell   Could hear the rain drops beating on the roof Listened to its tap-tap, may

10 Jan 2009

A drop of tear

Cornered in a crowded city bus, With face so charming yet worried, Her dark eyes placid and painful, She sat there like a frozen statue.   Seven years before on a Valentine’s Day, She met a man with sharp brown eyes, Eyes locked and mind intertwined, Days went by, not even a word shared.   [&hel

10 Jan 2009

Why so late?

 The sun is not bright enough or the moon cool The sky is not blue enough or the clouds dark   The thunder is not loud enough or the wind fierce The ocean is not deep enough or the shore vast   The flowers are not lovely enough or the leaves green The birds are […]

7 Jan 2009

Aged but young

 In no time she coloured her hair With no grey hair left to show up   Few minutes in beauty parlour Face glared with no wrinkles   Attired in a most modern dress Her each move so enticing   She floated through the street Brisk and beaming like a damsel   Tickles travelled through her […]