20 Sep 2011

The Champion fighter- Anna Hazare

Post by santhi

[image align=”right” img= “http://poeticfeast.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/anna-h.jpg”  alt=”anna” /]
Here where Corruption is in full potency
Here where everyone roars but not dares
Here where nothing seems to change, but
Here where Insurrection is really imminent,

Who will initiate?

A spark we need to light the fire
A champion to herald the race with pace
Something will happen when the time is ripe
Someone will emerge when the field is set.

A born crusader, a stern persuader
A strong reformer, a staunch Gandhian
A social activist, a native soldier, ushered
‘Anna’ from no where, but now everywhere.

A saint like person with a serene demeanour
Turned fierce and fiery when urged to proclaim
The nation’s intense call to wind up the frauds
A notion he became, as the nation salutes!

Fastened to ‘fasting unto death” to undo evils
Hastened the motions, by bending the hoaxes
He is the nation’s face, unmasked and untainted
Nothing is hazardous, for Hazare the wondrous.

Once frustrated, he thought of ending his life;
Later rejuvenated, by the words of Vivekananda,
Once enlivened, never looked back but battled
With Gandhi like patience and perseverance.

Now a germicide to political and social weeds
A timely threat taming with a tranquil weapon
A knight for patriots, a nightmare for traitors
Our nation’s passion, our salient spokesman.

It is a beginning of millions’ aspiration
It is a movement of millions’ stimulation
It is a revolution of millions’ participation
It is a culmination of millions’ compassion.


Krish September 20, 2011 at 11:49 am - Reply

Anna must read it to know that he is all of these ! Santhi the gifted poet takes a small topic only and how beautifully she builds a literary aroma around it !

Almighty should bless her with peace and prosperity.

L.Ramani September 23, 2011 at 11:26 am - Reply

The author here again has captured the persona of anna hazare in a 360 degree angle and has depicted the great movement he has brought to bear to the Indian society cleansing the social values that have to be cherished by every Indian.She has convincingly used her archaic skills to the hilt in portraying this peaceful reaction of the civil society.The poetic treatment of the subject is exemplary and graceful.She has to write many more.

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