6 May 2010

The Stock Market

Post by santhi

[image align=”right” img =”http://poeticfeast.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/stock.jpg”  alt=”stock” /]
A place with lot of varied surprises at stock
Where your pulse and purse are often at stake

People with their lifetime savings invested
Linger in prolonged waits, hopeful of pacifying profit

It is a gambling game, often granting graceful glides
But in no time it grabs and drags you to gutters

From morning to evening strategies drawn and erased
Penny gained or lost, people never immune to its lure

Studies and surveys held to serve the stoic statisticians
But like the Indian climate, it contradicts all predictions

As globally intertwined, world market kept in watch
If US market sneezes, Alas! Indian market coughs and shivers.

Stock is never a pasture for weaklings, it twists and turns
Beware you online traders, may even end up you in grave

It revives, retains and revolves with money being the axis
Essential and potential it remains as money always matters

Man invented money, to effect easy and cozy transactions
Malpractices creep in, at any cost to amass and multiply

Loopholes in plenty, many plunder and pocket in pounds
Groping in darkness the rest left to prattle once shattered

Kings and kingdoms made in flicker of moments
Looting so many to nothingness, how else to balance?

Money we need, but tell me is that all we need?
Staring at the Bull, I sweat and sighed away my thoughts


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