25 Feb 2012

Under the shower

Post by santhi

[image align=”right” img=”http://poeticfeast.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/shower.jpg” alt=”shower /]
About to sign off from a summer day

Earnestly aching for a chilly shower

Under the shower like a burning log

To wipe off the day’s stress and strain


Took off my sweaty clinging cloths

Just to be fair to the water spray

My bare body being an easy prey

With sealed eyes but not my senses


Letting my fancied whims to float

Loosened my hair to flutter

Switch on the shower to wrap

My thirsty body with a sweep


My loaded mind being calmed

Hummed a song to relax slowly

My tapping feet tuning mildly

With the flowing water drops


Water throwing from all sides

Splashing like nature’s water fall

Feathering like a mild breeze

Turning into bubbly massage


Tickling water triggered my jolts

Soothing like a babe’s touch

Sensuous as my man’s kisses

Head to toe a watery feast

A daily tonic to get refreshed!



L.Ramani March 22, 2012 at 8:22 am - Reply

Water is the elixir of life and without it the world will not be there.Here again the author has put it in simple terms a routine activity in life in a concomitant form.Simplicity was the hallmark of the great indian writer R.K.Narayan and the writer has emulated him.A very nice piece and congratulations.

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