
All posts by santhi

22 Oct 2010


[image align=”right” img= “http://poeticfeast.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/change.jpg”  alt=”change” /] Change’ makes life challenging, Charging us to cope and chop. No one excepted, have to accept, Beware of it; that awareness helps.

22 Jul 2010


[image align=”right” img= “http://poeticfeast.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/om.jpg”  alt=”Om” /] Ommm! The Pranava mantra Blooms from the bottom of vocal system Travels and transcends through the glottis Outpours soft and subtle through the mouth Finally merges

22 Jul 2010

Growing Old

[image align=”right” img =”http://poeticfeast.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/old.jpg”  alt=”growing old” /] A natural  physical deterioration Yet causing dampening numbness Mind gallops to gain more and more But physic reluctant and refuses to glide

1 Jul 2010

A Day Dream

[image align=”right” img =”http://poeticfeast.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/village.jpg” alt=”village” /] A vision I had, vivacious and vibrant So vital I vow, pray it never vanishes. Rivers not drained nor the fields dry Array of trees on green grassy carpet.

17 Jun 2010


[image align=”right” img= “http://poeticfeast.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/house-wife.jpg” ” alt=”home maker” /] Elegantly designated as ‘Home makers’ Elusive a status, eventually may get erased. Within the four walls dwelling in own world Nothing the

1 Jun 2010

The crash

[image align=”right” img =”http://poeticfeast.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/crash.jpg”  alt=”crash” /] Crashed into a dense forest in a cursed moment Crushing so many lives and curtailing their dreams. Calculations we make but conclusions conjured above Crazy we

6 May 2010

The Stock Market

[image align=”right” img =”http://poeticfeast.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/stock.jpg”  alt=”stock” /] A place with lot of varied surprises at stock Where your pulse and purse are often at stake People with their lifetime savings invested Linger in prolonged wai

10 Apr 2010

Heart Bleeds

[image align=”right” img =”http://poeticfeast.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/heart.jpg”  alt=”heart bleeds” /] The country sandwiched and strangled by The internal brutality and external terrorism Soldiers so many shot dead as flimsy birds In a wink they lay life

1 Apr 2010

Paths not taken

[image align=”right” img =”http://poeticfeast.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/paths.jpg” alt=”paths not taken” /] With long and fast strides she was already on move as if she never wanted to look back. To look back and to go back was always there in her nature. But

31 Mar 2010


[image align=”right” img =”http://poeticfeast.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/peace.jpg”  alt=”peace” /] Peace! Hops and hops far away Evading when we stoop to pursue Is it a total mental tranquility? Or Is it the absence of human frailty?